
LOVING THE ALIEN beim Festival Lalka też Człowiek 2017 in Warschau

Once again we perform in Poland.
This time we are happy to visit the International Theatre Festival Lalka też Człowiek 2017 in Warsaw and present once more our performance:

A landing on planet earth with songs by David Bowie.
October 7th, 2017 at 8.00 p.m.
in the Służewski Dom Kultury w Dzielnicy Mokotów

The Tour Team:
Performance - Sabine Koehler, Heiki Ikkola
Live-Music - Tobias Herzz Hallbauer as Sønderling
Light-Design - Josia Werth
Technical Support, Video - Beate Oxenfart 
A concert performance, a stage music clip - however you want to call it - we search for the Alien and different perspectives on our planet, as strangers. We go on a ride with the thin white duke, Major Tom, the D.J. - questioning what is strange and what is normal. 
Is there life on mars, are we still alive and who is the man in the grey suite?
We are looking forward to visit Poland and its hospitality again, to meet colleagues from all over Europe.

See you in Warsaw!